Our Why

The Go Be Lyfe is founded by people who understand what it’s like to live with Type 1 diabetes. 

We get it- the frustration of getting 5 minutes into a workout, only to be interrupted by a low blood sugar.

Or the way many protein powders spike our blood sugars due to several factors, including macronutrient breakdown, artificial ingredients, preservatives, and fillers. More importantly, we know how good it feels to have steady blood sugars without the brain fog from spikes and drops. How good it feels to be able to get though a workout, or a hike, or a busy day at work, without blood sugar interruptions.

One day, Jo was sitting on the bleachers as she watched her 16 year old daughter, Kiara, a Type 1 diabetic, cheer at her very first football game. The exercise caused Kiara to have a low blood sugar. From the stands, Jo could see Kiara’s spirit crushed as she had to sit out and drink a couple of juice boxes while she waited for her blood sugar to come back into range.

Jo thought...

“What if we could combine several whole foods into a nutritional product that will keep Kiara’s sugar stable during her exercise?”

After several rounds of trial and error and with the help of food scientists, Kiara had a nutritional product that helped her get through the entire cheer season without having to stop for a low.